Now Hear the Word of the Lord

I was thrilled by a picture on Facebook. It was a room full of Evangelical clergy persons gathered in prayer around the President in his office. Seeing that made me realize God is still finding ways to get His truth spoken to power.

In the Old Testament every time there was a king with questionable motives and misusing power, God would arrange one of His spokespersons to have access so His word would be heard. People like Daniel, Joseph, and Esther who were at the right place and the right time to speak.

Many of those in the picture claim to have some special deal with God so He audibly speaks to them. He does this so constantly that they need private jets so there will be no interruption in the flow of messages, and they will not have to mess with all of us “demon possessed folks” on their flights. If true, they should have the latest words from on High.

So, we can be sure that after the photo op was done and the photographers left the room the “Now sayeth the Lords” began to flow.

Now God does not speak to me out loud so I would give anything to have been a fly on the wall that day to hear what God had to say through these prophets. Unless He has gotten old and tired or no longer believes in all the things Jesus taught, we can be sure He had some things to say.

What did He have to say about children in cages on our borders? Or about cutting food stamps to feed the poor? Maybe He had some word about turning the other cheek and loving enemies. I can only imagine what He had them say about keeping the Ten Commandments. Like I said I wasn’t there, but look at the situation, once again God has made access available to some of his choice prophets and you know they would not miss their calling and just be silent at such a time as this.

I have had a hard time maintaining my thrill and enthusiasm about that meeting because I have had to deal with so many negative doubters who laugh at me when I tell them about the picture. Some have said these prophets did nothing except tell the president how wonderful he is. They did not speak they just posed for a picture he could use to strengthen his hold on the evangelicals they represented. Surely that cannot be true. Like Esther they were born for such a time as this.

I was holding on to hope by my fingernails until a friend asked me if I had read or heard of the President criticizing any of those in the room? Has he given them any nicknames? Has he accused them of being fake Christians? Then he said, “If there has been no vicious attack on them, rest assured they did not speak.

So, I must face the awful truth that the lust for political power produces closed minds, silent tongues, and turns prophets into enablers.

While writing this I learned I can’t chew gum while my tongue is in my cheek.