Posts tagged corners field
The Corners of the Field

I graduated from a small state school that, for some strange reason, had a rather large group of students planning to become clergy persons. Several of us gathered for coffee at a book store just off campus and we were there anytime we were not in class.

One day a young minister who had never participated in our jawing sessions ran in the door in a panic. He had just come from history class taught by a professor who took great pride in gigging the preacher boys in an effort to make us think, although we, of course, thought he was an atheist trying to destroy our faith. That morning he had asked this young very conservative preacher what he thought about Jesus and his disciples gathering corn on the sabbath as mentioned in the Bible. The young preacher started a long explanation about the sabbath, but the professor interrupted him saying, “I am not interested in the sabbath, what I want to know is what you think about Jesus stealing that farmer’s corn?”

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